If you're looking to use the tools. Grab the latest version from the PowerShell Gallery. Everything is digitally signed and ready to go. That's it. All the Cmdlets are available as soon as the module is installed.
Installing from the PowerShell Gallery
You can use PowerShell's built-in Install-Module feature to automatically download the latest stable version of UcmPsTools into your PowerShell directory
Install-Module UcmPsTools
Installing from Release
Can't access the PowerShell Gallery? No problem, you can download the latest build from the Releases page on GitHub, transfer it to your target machine and place it into your PowerShell modules folder.
or C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
by default).
Developing UcmPsTools
Wanna try the bleeding edge and not have the beta code sitting in your modules folder? Maybe develop your own fork? Just clone the dev branch from GitHub and run Test-ImportFunctions.ps1
The code from GitHub Repo is not signed, so you will need to use Set-ExecutionPolicy -Bypass in any environment using the raw code.
Note: Each as Cmdlet is its own *.ps1 file and not a module, you will need to manually dot source Test-ImportFunctions.ps1 for each PowerShell session
Last updated