Connections and Modules
As this module frequently runs automated actions, it must be connected to the relevant Office 365 services to function.
You could connect to these services yourself before calling any UcmPsTools cmdlets, but that's the opposite of what we are trying to achieve with our automation.
Instead, you can allow UcmPsTools to manage these connections for you, using the Connect-Ucm* Cmdlets allows for UcmPsTools to store connection details and automatically attempt to reconnect using stored credentials or tokens.
See each section below on how to use these cmdlets, and Security in UcmPsTools for information on how these details are encrypted, stored and used.
Presently, UcmPsTools supports Plain and OAuth Authentication. Accounts with MFA will require human intervention. I plan on adding Token based authentication soon
New-UcmEXHOConnection.ps1 New-UcmMSOLConnection.ps1 New-UcmSFBOConnection.ps1 Test-UcmEXHOConnection.ps1 Test-UcmMSOLConnection.ps1 Test-UcmSFBOConnection.ps1
Last updated