Checks to see how many numbers are assigned in a number range to each service
Helps plan migration of on prem number ranges into MSTeams by reporting how many of each item type is in a number range. Returns a variable containing the following items in either Summary or Detailed form
Analog Devices
Common Area Phones
Exchange UM Answer Points
Dial In Conference
Response Groups
Checks to see how many numbers are assigned in a number range to each service, returns a summary of the results or a full listing depending on the presence of the -summary parameter Presently only supports number blocks aligned to full number ranges (00-99 for example.)
Note, the function currently performs a search based on a PowerShell -match filter, thus presently only whole ranges are supported. IE: -Start +613864086400 -End +613864086499, -Start +613864086000 -End +61386408699 or -Start +613864080000 -End +61386409999
Attempting to search for subranges will return all items in the whole range. For example, searching for +61386408640 to +61386408650 will actually return everything between +61386408600 and +61386408699 as the last 2 digits cant be aligned.
Start (Required)
The first number in the number range to be searched, can be in the following formats tel:+61386408600 +61386408600 386408600
End (Required)
The last number in the number range to be searched, can be in the following formats tel:+61386408699 +61386408699 386408699
Only returns the count of each object found in the number range, otherwise a PSCustom Object containing a list of the objects is returned for each object type (see Output)
This cmdlet does not accept pipeline input
This Cmdet returns a PSCustomObject with multiple keys to indicate the results
Return.Status can return one of four values "OK" : Connected to Skype for Business Online "Warning" : Reconnected to Skype for Business Online "Error" : Not connected to Skype for Business Online "Unknown" : Cmdlet reached the end of the function without returning anything, this shouldn't happen, if it does please log an issue on Github
$Return.Message returns descriptive text showing the connected tenant, mainly for logging or reporting
$Return.Users $Return.PrivateLines $Return.AnalogDevices $Return.CommonAreaPhones $Return.ExchangeUM $Return.DialInConf $Return.ResponseGroups
Each of the above returns either an object count (when using -summary) or a list of the associated objects
$Return.All returns either a total count of objects, or a full list of the located objects.
Last updated